Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wetsuits R Fun

OK, so I bought the DeSoto T1 a while back. I'd never owned a wetsuit before, and had only swum in a rental once. The gleaming neoprene sat on my dresser; I eyed it up & down every now & again. I really did mean to get in the lake in the week before Galena, but alas, twas not to happen (not b/c I chickened out, b/c of thunderstorms...I swear!). Going against all advice, I wore a wetsuit in a race that I'd never actually swum in before. In fact, I'd had it on for all of 2 mins before then. It felt great at Galena. I began to contemplate the smartness of this wetsuit gig. Then, I really did go in the lake. On a day when the air and water temps were roughly the same, i.e. cold water, coolish air. That's when I truly grasped the genius behind the neoprene (after my brain thawed). And I can really feel the fact that the suit is thicker on the legs - it is so easy to kick in this thing! awesome! My memory of this morning's swim (warmer air, still cold water) is - That was fun! I can't wait to do it again! This allows me to believe that I can survive Alcatraz (although I have yet to swim for more than 30 mins in said cold water). But hey, it's a start. And although I am trying to maintain my denial of # of days left by visually blocking the clock on the blog, some people (ahem, Halfway Homie & Princess) keep mentioning the number aloud in my vicinity. Anyway, point is, although I haven't tried any other wetsuits, I'm already a big fan of the T1.