I’m finally at my 4th and final Mecca: the airport, and subsequent airplanes. Why? Well, clearly it’s because now my diet is governed by the well-known axiom that food calories consumed in transit don’t count.

This of course only applies to interstate travel. Some have asked me if this rule can be applied anytime, such as in the car to work. Umm, no, that would just be silly.
The day starts out balmy and 70 degrees in Chicago – by the time I arrive in the evening, it’s dropped to about 40. I expected no less. A temperature check comparing LA and Chicago shows that they’re inversely proportional, contingent on my arrival/departure. So during my stay we have LA/Chi as 65/45…..62/50……60/78 (!!)….and then when I leave, it’s 61/75……62/41 (later that same day)……66/45….70/40….75/32. My powers are truly amazing.
I leave you with a picture of that beautiful yellow rose vine that I came across while searching for my way. Many thanks to the random California gardeners for presenting such beauty to the world.
Not all who wander are lost.