A very special thanks to Mom, Eva (miss you baby!), my proctologist, and all those wonderful women who have made my life the living wonder it is! 1,000 thanks!
Yikes! OK, now I see the web site those emails came from. Tasha, ANOTHER mail order bride? Gee, thanks. I mean, I was never one for the petite girls, but, ummm, well, Lyuba sure seems to be.....rather.... strong....huh? And, well.... I'm noticing she has a 5 o'clock shadow, too. Are you sure this is a woman? I can't find the name Lyuba in any Russian Book of Names from girls. Little help... please? Besides, not to burst *her* bubble, but Eva is just days away from calling and proclaiming her undying love for me. I just know it.
Extreme training this morning entails my normal swim, 5 x 100M, but with large bags of ice in my jammers to emulate conditions in the bay. I'll keep you posted on how that goes...