First off, thank you Chuck for helping poor little me (6'2 - 200 lbs) taunt Heather (5'6 or so and maybe 105 lbs dripping wet). I wasn't quite up for the task, but your assistance is quite appreciated.
OK so there was a real workout involved as I summoned the courage to hit the gym last night. I am not one of these gazelle-like triathletes, like Ryan, who is "slim" and fast. I lift weights and i completely throw out the thought that muscle mass will weight you down. God built this body for one thing, to endure punishment. I need all the stength I can come up with to do that. No, I do not cross the finish line first, but I cross, which at certain distances is accomplishment enough.
So, that being said, I hit the weights hard for about an hour. Then a 45 minute run on the track (I freakin' hate the dreadmill - and thank you, Jesus, for the iPod), followed by a refreshing 30 minute lap session in the pool. These are my off season workouts. I will hit the bike later on as if I do so now, my thighs will never fit into my pants in June.
The N.O. Explode I am taking has creatine in it, and I'm retaining water like a Bull Elephant Seal (no, they are not found in the bay) which sucks. But this is life, and sacrifices must be made. (So help me Tasha if you make a crack about water retention.)
As life will sometimes imitate art, I totally overslept this morning and missed my run. I was supposed to get up at 5, and instead poked my sweepy wittle head out from under the covers at almost 8. CRAP.