Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Outdated, my ass

Hmph. While I would have loved to read YOUR hefty tome on kinetic energy transfer, as the UPS guy was carting in the hundreds of boxes in which you packed it, it started raining and alas, all those White Castle slider-by-the-case boxes promptly disintegrated. Left quite a mess, little scraps of paper flying about, an empty can of Mountain Dew here and there, spent typewriter ribbon..........though I did catch one glimpse of some of your brilliant writing on a wayward page, something about "all work and no play makes....."??

And it's nice to see you've finally decided to take your friend Galina's advice and follow an appropriate training/nutrition plan. Why, she was just quoted in the paper again the other day, about winter swimmers: "Another 'walrus', 72-year-old Galina Voshinsky, told CNN that the secret to her successful polar swim could be found in her diet. 'You've got to have a lot of fat, like a real walrus,' she said. 'And after a swim, I've got a big appetite.'" Sounds like you're on the right track there!

Kevin and his friends......

Btw, Chuck will be far too busy being my wingman to worry about your fretful liability/legal issues...