So amidst this Nirvana on earth is where I work out. Today, after finishing up my usual swim routine (2 laps, 6 Thighmaster reps, repeat 4 times, done. Whew, exhaustion!), I head upstairs to hit the treadmill for a while. Going along at my usual zippy 3 mph, I boldly decide to ramp up to 4.5 mph, show these whippersnappers what real working out is like, when it happens. As usual. Now I say to you, the iPod is a wonderful invention, probably the greatest of modern times. Better than sliced bread. And yet. They can put together this complex technological marvel, have it do everything but make toast….but they can’t come up with TWO SIMPLE PIECES OF PLASTIC THAT ACTUALLY STAY IN ONE’S EARS??!!! Okay, so maybe I’m a freak with abnormal ears.

Needless to say, every time this earbud escape happens I get more and more disgruntled, going from a tiny “grr” to a louder “aaahhhrghhh” to an even louder “SHIT!”, to my grand pinnacle of a moment at the DePaul gym, where I guarantee myself a lot of space when I work out in the future, as I grab the earbuds, rip them out of the iPod, scream “DAMN YOU iPod, bane of my existence! Have you no MERCY? I SPIT in your general direction!” as I jump up and down on the earbud set in a Rumpelstiltskin-like

Feeling better, I now notice how quiet it is. Boy, everyone must really be focusing on their workouts. Good on ya, kids! I pick up the now-mangled earbuds, and hey, they still work! Sweet! Decide to finish up with some stretching, singing along to Tom Waits. Perhaps it’s prophetic that shortly thereafter, my iPod freezes up during the Aimee Mann song “Wise Up.” Story of my life. And really, is there anything more tragic in this world than an iPod that is non-functional? I think not. Time to call it a day. My work here at the gym is done.