Well, is there anything more exciting in the sport than getting a new bike? With apologies to all of you, my favorite triathlete (not one of you), is getting a new bike. Birthday in 2 weeks. Went to REI yesterday to get him fitted but he has no idea he's getting it, slipped the salesguy my card and it's getting assembled. He, of course, asked the salesguy "is this bike ok for twi-a-tha-wahns?" and seemed visibly relieved at the "yes" answer. Pretty nice ride, it's REI's own brand, he doesn't really need a Trek. Went a little better than the last one bc this needs to last him a couple of years and then maybe little brother a couple of years. He's definitely gonna be bringin' sexy back (or is it Sexy Jack?) to the playground with this ride, pedaling the pedals at his trademark 225 rpms.

Being 4 and inquisitive, I still needed something to buy so he wouldn't wonder why I had to wait wait in line and sign something if leaving empty handed. Well, the nice outdoorsey people at REI happen to carry this little treat of a book, which served my purposes well. Jack even told his mommy with great excitement when we got home "daddy got me a new book, mommy!!" Pretty savvy "I must say" (reference to Ed Grimley, see below). Of course, anyone who knows me knows that this whole feux-fitting trip was thought through well in advance, and it's also highly likely that I had looked at REI.com for little cheap items suitable for kids as the trick purchase item. Let's just say that yesterday was a unique day - I had never before said the words "hello, where can I find Curious George Goes Camping?"