Pieces of my lungs
left on the bottom of pool
nice to have known you.
Anyway, obviously it’s up to me to get this blog back on track, to a workout-focused training manual rather than this “algae” tomfoolery. To that point - had my VQ (Vision Quest) cycling class (aka Cycling Torture) last night – this is where a bunch of us fools pay good money to be barked at by uberfit Herr Instructor Dave Noda, who tells us what worthless air-sucking maggots we all are. Okay, not really, but that’s what I hear. Today, his twisted and sick mind has decided that in between bike intervals, we’ll do some core fitness workout stuff, aka Stuff Tasha Can’t Do.

He looks over, stunned and perhaps a bit shaken, and then trots off briskly, undoubtedly to record this moment in the annals of VQ history. “January 31, 2007, 6:58PM, Discovery of something Tasha does not suck at. Do you believe in miracles??”
Of course, soon enough we’re on to other things, so the moment of exhilaration was short-lived. Balancing on the bouncy ball….balance……bala……….eeeeeeeeeeek *THUD*. So much for my balletic grace. Holding the plank

The biking is its usual torturous self. The guy next to me keeps looking at my little display doodad which feels it necessary to broadcast how excruciatingly slow I am. After many minutes of this, I finally say out loud what he’s clearly thinking:
“Yes, I’m slow” I snarl. “It’s part of my training plan – it’s called ramping up. That okay with you, bub?”
“Oh, umm, err…” he stammers unintelligibly. I scowl at him, and make a mental note to smoke his sorry ass if I ever see him on a bike course.
Then this morning, I bravely mustered up every ounce of fortitude to face the frigid pool waters again. Brrr. I’m pretty sure I see a baby harp seal darting around in the icy blue depths.

Sigh. It’s going to be a long, long 5 months.
Finally, I stumble off to the locker room and see that I’ve left my little locker with all my stuff in it wide open. Brilliant. Welcome to Tasha’s House of Stupid. Pull up a chair, folks – we could be here a while.