The Road to Glory in San Francisco or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Waves
Monday, January 15, 2007
A-ha! No WONDER Mr. Ryan "Oh it's not that cold you wimps" Perrone isn't concerned about the self-proclaimed "balmy Bay water", as he's so eloquently put it. He's been PRACTICING! Toughening up! The truth is finally revealed:
Tsk. Such perfidy leaves me speechless.
More damning evidence.
And finally, partying with his new friends. Oh, the humanity.....
Tasha, Chuck, Kevin, Max, Ryan, Carolyn, Annette and Heather are going to San Francisco for the Escape from the Rock Triathlon on June 24, 2007. The Escape consists of a 1.5 mile swim from Alcatraz to the SF shore, a 2.5 mile run, a 13 mile bike, and then another run, this one a distance of 7.5 miles including the infamous sandladder. Read about our preparations, adventures and misadventures.