Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday's (YAWN) Post

For a number of reason's today's post will not provide much reading entertainment. But it can be viewed as a measuring stick for the level of smartassery that is to come. And so I must.

The 7500 calorie a day White Castle Training Plan has run me into a brick wall, also commonly known as "Food Coma". Not much getting done, so I will have to bail on this idea. The folks at Mountain Dew were understanding and will remain in touch as there new line of sports drinks (secretly code named: Holy Shit! How Much Sugar is in That?!) develops.

Training on Saturday consisted of a short but brutal 45 minute run. Dad role yesterday and this morning, kept me busy so back into the gym tonight and 2-a-days for Tuesday and Wednesday as I work on flushing the "toxins" out of my system. Half marathon coming up Sunday in preps for. Shouldn't be a problem to at least finish. Talks with the folks at Burger King have me hopeful that we'll be back on track again soon.

Thank you Ryan, dear, for caring. Yes, my crack pipe has been fixed and is working again without any problems.