Thursday, January 18, 2007

Tasha, Tasha, Tasha...

You make me out to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more anal and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more motivated than I am. I don't do mornings, anyone who knows me knows that I hate getting up early, so the few workouts I do usually consist of either a 3 mile run or some quick strength training. I proudly biked 20 minutes last night, ran about 3.25 miles (at a blistering 11:48 pace - but did keep HR in check) and stretched for ~ 8 minutes. Haven't run more than 4 miles since the beginning of December, don't think I'll be doing the half-marathon distance for the Frozen Bogey, more like the half-half. A very interesting finding last night when I updated the settings on my scale (and accidentally changed one that won't go back), I somehow managed to drop 9% body fat and add 14 pounds of muscle in the last few weeks, all by adding a year to my life and dropping my supposed activity level (the accidental adjustment). Keep in mind I've done less than 5 hours of actual working out in that span. The appropriate being Ryan Perrone summary would include the above, two illnesses in the last month, and a ski vacation. Doesn't matter though, I'm still going to crush Chuck on the swim!!